Saturday, July 12, 2008


So, where were your Box Tops last year, huh? I had only one person mail me Box Tops and she was not even a blood relative! I'm not sure if you looked at my school's Box Top page at the end of the school year, but we LOST! BADLY! I'm going to give you the chance to redeem yourself and you can send me the ones you've been clipping all summer long at anytime, you should have a lot, what with all the Ziplock bags you've been through and the Kleenex boxes and the Betty Crocker cakes/cupcakes you've made (I know you've been saving, right?) . :)

I will go so far as to send you a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you'll just hook up your favorite cousin/niece/sister/daughter/friend up with some Box Tops.

In case you forgot what they looked like:

Or where you can get them:

I love you :)!!!


beccandjp said...

hey its Becca, and if you want in you got in!!!!!! (your a smith!!!)

jen hulet said...

I am very familiar with the box tops! I save all mine for Ashlee, she is insane about clipping and saving them!

audrey said...

hmmm, who gave me so much crap last year when i solicited my blog readers for box tops.... stinker..

Paula said...

Sadie usually has them off the boxes before I get them home from the store, her class won last year making over $500 for the school. In another 7 years, when all my kids are out of elementary school, they are yours.

Brigitte said...

Well why didn't you say so before?! I'll start saving them for ya. :)