Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Fun stuff...
Monday, April 28, 2008
Gotta vent, must vent..
First a little back story. I went out with a man in February for, oh three weeks or so. Not exclusively, but consistently. I had thought we really hit it off, there was fun conversation, chemistry. I liked him, which is naturally why I'm sure I weirded him out and at the end of the month he called me to let me know that he had just recently started seeing someone seriously (or that decision had been made) and we probably shouldn't go out anymore. I was bummed, but I gave him points for actually letting me know. We'll call him Man A.
In the first part of April, I started talking to another man who is really, really nice. He seems to really like me, we've gone out once and I am trying to find ways to limit the amount of texts he sends me (seriously, it only takes a minute or two to get a response). We're supposed to go out again on Wednesday. We'll call him Man B.
So two weeks ago, or there about, I get a text from Man A, just to see how I'm doing. I responded, but I was really going to try to not get psycho over it and read too much into it. Friday, I get an invitation, via text, to go to his house for an impromptu barbecue. Sure, why not I say. There was one other girl there by the time I got there... So that chick leaves and Man A and I start filling each other in on the last few months. Chemistry is still totally there. I ask at one point about the girl he was seeing and he mentions that they are breaking up. (Is it bad that that information made my day?) Anyways, I leave and I get a text the next day asking how my day was (from Man A, I got numerous texts from Man B). I answered and left it at that. The next night I get a phone call, lasted about 7 minutes. He says: How are you? What did you do today? By the way I'm officially single. What are your plans for the week? I say: How are you? How was your day? Well, that's good if that's what you were wanting. What are your plans for the week. He told me how busy he was, I said have a good week and we hung up.
The thing is, I really, really like Man A. I'd ditch Man B for Man A, at this point in time, in a heartbeat. Problem is, I don't have a clue about what Man A wants from me, if anything at all. Man B is coming on really strong (I see now why guys have run from me in the past) and it's a little overwhelming, as is the fact that he is 26, divorced and a dad of two small children...
Okay, the real dilemma is this: I'd love to ditch Man B at this point, and just sit and pine over Man A, you know, waiting for him to call. But when I actually say those words I see how stupid it is to pass up what could be a good opportunity because I want something else. Know what I mean? This isn't really all the details, but the jist and any rate. Feel free to give advice, comment, question, laugh, or whatever, it's just something that I had to get off my mind...
P.S. I haven't mentioned Man C, the 36 year old, separated-not-divorced-yet, dad of two who really wants to meet up with me and is pulling the same clingy behaviors as Man B...
P.P.S Sorry Aud, I know this is the kind of stuff reserved for our dinners, but I just couldn't hold it in. Oregano's soon?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
And also, thank goodness for Copy & Paste!
Sexy earrings!
In all seriousness, I was touched at how this little kid had thought of me when he saw the earrings and wanted to give them to me. Best gift I've ever gotten from a male not in my blood lines, HANDS DOWN!

Sunday, April 13, 2008
Book worm to the extreme
A little privacy please!
Spring Fling, baby!
In addition to the class booths, the most fun of teachers (which includes me, of course) place themselves as targets in the pie-throwing booth and dunk tank.
Alright, so the pie booth isn't so bad as long as your eyes aren't open when the pie comes at your face AND if they don't angle the plate upward so you get cream up the nose AND if you don't mind the smell of fermenting whipped cream in your hair for 24 hours. Really though, a lot of fun watching how excited they all got each time the pie hit my face...
The dunk tank, well, it's a booty work out. I don't have the longest legs (I know you're shocked to hear that) so climbing up and down isn't as easy as you'd think. This also took place at about 8:30, you can imagine the desert with no sun right? Still the kids thought it was a friggin' hoot watching me hit the water and were so excited to hit the target (with a ball or their hand).
Thank you to my supportive and adoring family for trekking out to Chandler for the big shin dig. Aren't they great?!?!